Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Perfect Flat + Another Birthday.

I recently got an email from Ms. Kate Spade alerting me of her new items.  How nice of her, right?  Of course I had to peruse them.  And look what I came across . . .  


The trixie flat (or the most perfect flat ever designed).  I wouldn't have named them "trixie."  They should really be called the "emily" since they are basically my personality exemplified in a shoe -- practical (flats); likes a touch of bling (glitter toe cap); girly (bow); simple, but not boring (black and white stripes).

The terry flat is also totally baller.  But not as much as the emily (er, trixie).

Which one is your favorite?


And happy birthday to my very bestest friend.  If I was a good blogger and blogged every day, I could have given her a shout out on her actual birthday, but since I'm a slacker, two days later will have to do!  Lest you think I'm a bad friend, I did get to facetime with her and my "nephew" on her special day!  And stay tuned, last time we were at their house, I took pictures of Henry's amazing nursery to share!  Happy birthday, Lauren!      


  1. Too funny! My mind is constantly on interiors I assumed you meant apartment by "flat." But I totally love them! M.

  2. They are all so gorgeous! I love the colors and patterns. Kate Spade never does it wrong! Happy Birthday to your friend. :)

  3. You are the sweetest friend ever. Cant wait to see you in a few weeks! Love you lots and lots.

    Your old holycrapicantbelieveim31 friend.

  4. My heart skipped a beat when I started reading and you said you got a note from Kate Spade:))) I adore every single thing in that store and I've been eyeing the terry for a while but now I'm pretty sure I'm going to be obsessing over the trixie. I don't know if I've ever seen a striped shoe before.

  5. I have that same dress! Great minds.

  6. oooooooooooooooooh love the terry! Those flats look like they need more love I think...

  7. Oooohh!!! I"m all about the Trixie Flat! It's fabulous!

    Happy New Year! I have some catching up to do. First stop: I need to hear about your Paris trip!

  8. I'm on a total leopard kick right now! Those are SO cute! But I love the Emily too! ;)

  9. ohhh I love those Kate Spade shoes! and her purses, and her jewelry :-)
    I just realized I think you emailed me over the holidays and now I cant find the stinking email. You did email me right? or am I totally imagining that? geez my brain....

  10. And just look how adorable the two of you are!!! And Kate Spade is probably the worst thing that has ever happened to my bank account (c; I *adore* those flats...and yes, emily is waaaaaay better than Trixie...who the heck comes up with this stuff???

  11. Totally you!! I like the first one best. The stripes and glitter had me at first glance :) Adorable picture of the two of you! I have that dress in white and navy! Love it :)


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